Pac-Man was originally called Puck-Man in the US, or Fuck-Man as the vandals changed it to. This was one of the first games I played as a kid, Space Invaders probably being the first that I can remember. It is brilliantly addictive, the simplicity of the gameplay and the iconic sound effects make you want to keep playing to beat your best score.

I’ve just had my first game for a while in MAME and scored a miserable 5060pts, not even clearing the first board. The completion challenge I’ve set is 50,000 so I’ve got a long way to go.


Ok, so the bold plan is to play the top ten games from each of the major gaming platforms from the last 30 years through to completion and record my thoughts here about each of these games.

So which platforms? Well, they have to be either something I own or can emulate on the PC. I’m excluding some platforms that don’t interest me.
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